Need an Exciting Change? Try Coconut Tea July 17, 2012

Some tea drinkers are adventurous; they go out of their way to try something new every time they order. However, the vast majority tend to stick to one variety. They may venture away occasionally and try something slightly different, but they quickly return to what they are comfortable with. If this sounds like you, then you are probably also feeling that it is time you lived on the edge a little and tried a flavor completely different than what you are used to. Of course, the biggest challenge is deciding which one of the many tempting flavors we have here at Zhi Tea you should try. We have two words for you: coconut tea!

Why Coconut Tea?

You may be wondering why you should try coconut tea as opposed to the countless other flavors. If record high temperatures don’t tempt your taste buds for something tropical, then there are actually other reasons as well.

This popular new flavor is not just delicious, it is healthy. Why buy a tea with artificial flavor, sugar and syrup when you can enjoy a phenomenal cup of organic tea that offers the same great benefits as other varieties?

This evocative black tea is good for your heart and actually helps to protect your teeth and bones because it contains a specific class of polyphenols.

Think of the tea cocktails you can make with it! You can chill it and add fresh fruit for a punch or even add it to your banana smoothie in the blender. This is a versatile tea you will want to make a permanent flavor in your collection.

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